Chandler Day 236: Parking Garages Can be Creepy

DSC04359For some reason I have always hated parking garages. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I don’t like being underground in them or because I can’t see outside or because you never know who is in them. I don’t know, they have always just freaked me out. So I always avoid parking in them. I always park on the street, even though it can be much more of a hassle. But today I decided to park in a garage as we were downtown and had to be somewhere on time. It didn’t freak me out this time. I suppose I’ve just grown out of that old fear. But they do still look creepy, which can make for a good shot.

Chandler Day 169: Something More

DSC03743I’m not sure what attracted me to this scene. Just two guys working on something in their garage across the street. I watched them for a bit and got a quick shot. Maybe it was the lighting. Maybe it was warm summer air and the idea of two guys fixing something in a garage. There’s something about for me that’s hard to put into words. It’s common and typical, but there’s something more. Something a little deeper. I just don’t know what that something is.