BrandyDay291: Pretty Sure Those Tracks Are Active


Knowing my love for trains and bridges, KC told me about these tracks down south awhile back.  Some of you may have heard the story of a couple crazy women who were up on the tracks (very illegal) and a train came.  This trestle is 500 feet long and 80 feet high.  14,000-ton Indiana Rail Road freight train traveling at 30 mph coming full force at you.  What do you do?  Last minute, split second, they laid down on the tracks with the train skimming over the top of them.  Once the engineer regained composure after thinking he just ran over two idiots, law enforcement was contacted and the women ended up facing criminal charges.  Though I’m sure the charges weren’t enough considering the hell they put the engineer through for that brief time.

I made it a point to show Alicia, it’s such an ‘awe-ing’ view, but one to be admired from the road…at a safe distance…where a train won’t make dinner out of you for some varmint.

It is illegal, it is trespassing and you will face charges if caught on any train tracks property of the CSX.  908 people were killed in the United
States by trespassing on railroads in 2013; 38 of those unnecessary deaths were in Indiana.

(Information from The Indiana Railroad Website)

BrandyDay290: A Road Without A Fork Is Guaranteed To Have A Few Curves


Alicia and I headed south to Nashville Indiana to get away, check out the fall colors & go horseback riding.  We had no obligations until Monday afternoon.  It was Saturday.  When you get two best friends, a camera, untraveled roads and free time, well only good things can happen 🙂  Alicia (nicknamed T) has been every bit of a supportive best friend.  I look forward to our adventures and time together.  This weekend is sure to do our hearts some good!!!  We never know what lies ahead, and looking back can cause you to miss the direction you should be headed.

 I shot this on some no name road, between here and there while on a ‘bathroom’ stop.  Indiana is beautiful this time of year!!! (Fall time, that is)

Brandy Day289: Bricker Bricker Bricker!!!


Bricker and I met when we both worked at Claddagh six or seven years ago.  Though we haven’t worked together in several years, we’ve still kept in touch, as she is the type of friend that you want to have forever.  She’s the type of friend that will do anything for you anytime.  Truly cares about your well being.  Has a laugh that’s beautifully contagious.  The type of friend that will let you climb through the doggie door to gain access to her house because she forgot to leave you a key.  The kind of friend that you have several inside jokes that only you and her should EVER know about.

Bricker has spent the years I’ve known her trying to better the lives of others.  Currently her house is full and I mean full of items that have been donated for those less fortunate than most.  She works alongside many others that donate their time and compassion to help the homeless.  I’ve never understood how she does it. Daily.  Putting herself out there to help those that struggle.  To see the things she does and to hear the things they tell her.  The overwhelming feeling of it all has to take a toll on ones health.  Ones mind.  Bricker though, every time, will have that contagious laugh, that beautiful smile and more happiness than a three year old.  The sadness that she endures from some must be fulfilled by seeing the achievement of others that she has invested her time and heart in.  Just the other day I had the pleasure of helping take a bed and some furniture that my mom had donated to a gentleman that had been on the streets, but with Brickers help, he was now living indoors and hopefully able to maintain the help he needs to live a stable life.

A text that her and I shared, Me: “I don’t know how you do it daily, but they are lucky to have you.”  Her: “Awww thanks!  I’m lucky to have them too!”

Thank you for being such a great friend.  Not only to me but to those you don’t know.  To those that need you.  Thank you for sharing that with me, sharing that compassion.  Thank you for all that you do.

*Note:  Bricker is her last name.  I’ve called her that since I met her :)*

Brandy Day288: Anywhere But Here


This photo reminds me of my cross country road trip.  The endless open, like the ocean.  The quiet thoughts while driving during sunset.  I enjoyed being on the road.  I had more of a feeling of ‘having everything’ than I do now. Going from place to place, no agenda, no destination.  Some days I’d give anything to be out there again.  Truly living life in such a way of simplicity.

Brandy Day287: Truth Of It All


‘When you are in the final days of your life, what will you want?  Will you hug that college degree in the walnut frame?  Will you ask to be carried to the garage so you can sit in your car?  Will you find comfort in rereading your financial statement?  Of course not.  What will matter then will be the people.  If relationships will matter most then, shouldn’t they matter most now?’-Max Lucado

This is where I will begin again.  I made a commitment with Chandler and I got away from that.  I let ‘life’ get in the way and chipped away a small part of a very important relationship.  I want to finish this.  Not because I have to.  Not because my ‘mommy sat me down spoke firmly to me’.  I need to because Chan & I were in this together.  In 19 years, Chandler has stood by my side and loved me unconditionally.  Chandler has watched me fall and climb back up, never once judging me, but hurting for me because he loved me. I’m sorry I have let you down Chan!  I love you bud ❤

Chandler Day 365: Beginnings and Endings

DSC06973What a year.

This year has been a full one. There has been a lot of great moments and some not so great ones. There has been a lot of change. I fell crazy deep in love with a wonderful person. I finished my freshman year of college and moved into my sophomore year. I had a ton of new experiences like going to Gary for the first time, riding a Ferris Wheel, getting fired from a job, getting in a car accident, getting pulled over for the first time, running into a Sheriff because I was trespassing (he was very nice), getting my first tattoo, smoking for the first time, changing my major and my first car died in the parking lot of a gas station. I did a lot of exploring, driving, thinking and saw a lot of new places. I made my first road trip and I saw the Atlantic Ocean for the first time. I got over some really rough thoughts and decided that living was better than dying. I got better at taking photos and also decided that photography was not what I wanted to do for a living. I met new people, including Austrian royalty, and made some new friends. I switched jobs a few times and learned a lot about work and how it plays into life. My mom moved and we said goodbye to a house that had been home for nearly seven years. I read a lot and wrote a lot. I wrote some good stuff and some not so good stuff. I got some good grades and some bad ones. I got into arguments and got a lot better at saying sorry and making up. I learned a lot about myself and how I work. I learned how to express myself, how to deal with some of my issues, how to apologize, how to stand up for myself, and how to listen. Like I said it has been a year of change, growth and new experiences. I sit here and look forward to another year of new experiences, new places, and new people. I see a year of challenges, new memories to be made and new things to discover not only about the world but about myself. This challenge has been a good one. It has definitely been a challenge. I have loved it and hated it. Now it’s finished and I’m glad I did it and finished it. So here’s to a great year filled with great times and great challenges.

Chandler Day 364: Stuff Your Eyes With Wonder

tattooToday I finally got my tattoo. I’ve been wanting to do this for almost a year now and was always too busy or didn’t have enough money. I got some money this year for Christmas to get it done and decided it was time. This quote comes from Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. It’s one of my most favorite books and one of my most favorite authors. It comes from a passage near the end of the book. It goes, “Stuff your eyes with wonder. Live as if you’d drop dead in ten seconds. See the world. It’s more fantastic than any dream made or paid for in factories.” I love this quote and I love what it means. This world is absolutely incredible and it is there just waiting to be seen. I have always wanted to travel the world, to see as much as I can possibly see. I’m also a photographer so I’m always looking for the next great photo. And this seeing is not just with your eyes. Look at things a little harder and little deeper. Really take the world in. There is so much more to things than what you first see. I can’t put it any better than how Bradbury did. This world really is fantastic.


I just wanted to say thanks to Nick and Hannah for coming along with me. This was my first tattoo, so I was a little nervous. But it all went well and it didn’t hurt too bad. I didn’t pass out or anything. Also thanks to everyone who gave me money so I could get it.


The tattoo was done by Scott at Midwest Tattoo Co. in Indianapolis. It’s a great place and worth checking out.

Chandler Day 363: Lots of Games

gamesBecause we are on break we have been playing a lot of board games lately. We’ve been playing with Hannah’s family and our friends and it has been a lot of fun. It has been so nice to not have anything to worry about. No work, homework, deadlines, essays or anything. It’s been great to relax and have fun.

Chandler Day 362: More Than Enough to Read

booksToday I went out to use some of the great gift cards that I got as presents. Me and Hannah hit up Half Price and Barnes & Noble and we got some great books. So now these along with the few hundred other books that I have bought I will have plenty to read over the remainder of break and next year.

Chandler Day 361: Time For a Wedding

weddingIt seems like it has been a time for firsts recently. Today I went with Hannah to one of her friend’s wedding. It’s the first wedding the me and Hannah have gone to together. It was a really nice wedding and the couple looked extremely happy. We had a good time too and were able to get all dressed up(Hannah looked stunning). It was another good day.

P.S. Today was also Michelle’s birthday and I was unable to see her. So Happy Birthday and I hope you had a great day!